Thursday, May 7, 2009

The focal point of your living room

With all your living room problems well in hand and a list of furnishings firmly in mind, how do you pull everything to­gether? Begin by establishing a focal point. Every piece of furniture can't be low in a room, and the "something high", such as a break-front or a tall secretary, can become a focal point If you have a camel-back sofa on one side of a living room, balance it with some­thing else of significance on the other side. If you ignore the opposite wall, the room will lack balance. Interest will sag. A focal point in a traditional living room is often the fireplace. It can also be a series of plates or small platters, or several rows of well-framed and matted botanical prints from books. By establishing your focal point, you have already resolved two major walls.

Some views on living room's focal point.

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